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What's happening at the Junior Campus
Week 7
Monday 10/03
- First Reconciliation lesson for Monday 3pm groups at Ryan Junior Campus
- Year 7 Expo
Tuesday 11/03
- Swimming Training 7.15 - 8am
- Year 4 Swimming
- Brekky Bar 8am
- Musical Auditions P - 4 3 - 4.15pm
- First Reconciliation lesson for Tuesday 5.30-6.30pm group
Wednesday 12/03
- NAPLAN begins
- 10am Year 6 attending Mass
- P - 4 Assembly - Year 4B hosting
- Year 5 and 6 Peer Tutoring in the Hub Classroom until 4.30pm
Thursday 13/03
- Swimming training 7.15 - 8am
- Brekky Bar 8am
- 11am Yarning Circle Year 2
- Year 6 Swimming
Friday 14/03
- International Women’s Day Breakfast 6.30am - Ignatius Park College
Sunday 15/03
- Second Reconciliation class for the 8:30am Sunday group
Parish Masses
- Saturday 6.00pm and Sunday 7.30am (Good Shepherd Community Centre)
- Sunday 9.30am and 5.00pm (Ryan Community Centre)
We acknowledge the traditional owners of the land and waters, the Wulgurukaba, and that this country has been a place of learning and ceremony for tens of thousands of years. We also acknowledge the neighbouring language groups as brothers and sisters of the land. We pay our respects to elders past, present and emerging. May we walk gently and peacefully on this land together.
Junior Campus (Prep - Year 4)
44 Golf Links Drive
Kirwan. QLD. 4817
Senior Campus (Years 5 - 12)
59 Canterbury Road,
Kirwan. QLD. 4817